DAS Buffer PCI Board Cable Assembly
5114683-2 | |
5114683 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Other Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | |
5114683-2 | |
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- High quality cable assembly
- Durable
- Shielded for protection against EMI/RFI
- Easy to connect and disconnect
Product Overview
The DAS Buffer PCI Board Cable Assembly consists of two 50 pin D-type male connectors with a backshell on each side connected through 50 conductors (25 Pairs) of size 28 AWG. The backshell in the assembly is a two piece shielded backshell with 75° cable exit and provided with strain relief to improve the durability of the cable. At both ends of the cable, shield is pulled back over the cable insulation and wrapped with a copper foil tape, and covered with 15 mm long heat shrink tube for better insulation. The cable assembly is designed with double shielding which provides excellent EMI shielding and lightning protection. This cable assembly offers outstanding flexibility for easier handling and is labeled for easy identification.
Equivalent Item(s) (price may vary):
Below is more information on the equivalent item(s). Items without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent Item(s) (price may vary) | Item Details |
5114683 |