DVD RAM Bare Media
5405579 | |
2337414 5340715 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Optima 660 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- The disc is compatible with most DVD-RAM computer drivers and video recorders
- Larger storage capacity than Compact Disc (CD)
- 2-5 times compatible
- Inkjet printer
Product Overview
The DVD RAM Bare Media is the media used for a Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory (DVD-RAM) drive, which is a rewritable and erasable optical disc drive. This is a media storage device used in computers, camcorders and personal video recorders. It provides exceptional data integrity, data retention and damage protection and can be used for basic data storage, archiving data and data backup. This 4.7GB, 120 minutes, single side disc is available with non-removable cartridge type and formatted for DVD video recorders. With large storage capacity this DVD can be used to record, erase or rewrite the data on it.
Compatible Products
Optima 660
Optima 540
Revolution EVO
Revolution CT
Lightspeed RT
Lightspeed Pro 16
Discovery 750 HD
Brightspeed Edge
Lightspeed 16
Lightspeed Ultra
HiSpeed Qxi
Brightspeed Excel
Brightspeed Elite
Lightspeed Plus
Lightspeed QXi
Discovery 670
Discovery 670CTZ
Discovery 670 Pro
Discovery ST (4 Slice)
Discovery ST (8 Slice)
Discovery ST (16 Slice)
Discovery STE (8 Slice)
Discovery STE (16 Slice)
Brivo 315
Brivo 325
Brivo 385
Optima 520
Revolution ACT
Substitute Parts (price may vary):
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |
2337414 | DVD RAM MEDIA, 9.4 GB |
5340715 |