ABB 3 Pole Contactor
5421424 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Optima 660 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- 3-pole contractors with screw terminal
- NO (Normally Open) Built-in auxiliary contact
- Low Coil Consumption
- Rail mounted, no tools required
Product Overview
ABB 3 Pole contactors are mainly used for controlling 3-phase motors and generally for controlling power circuits up to 690 V AC or 220 V DC. They are mainly used for controlling 3-phase motors, non-inductive or slightly inductive loads. This 1-stack 3-pole contactor is known as the block type design. The contactors have screw terminals, and contain 3 main poles and 1 built-in auxiliary normally open (NO) contact. The Control circuit of this contractor is DC operated with a solid core magnet circuit. The polarity on the coil terminals (A1+ and A2-) must be respected. The contractor is rail mounted and does not need any tools to be installed. This ABB 3 Pole Contactor is used with Computed Tomography (CT) systems.