Air Filter Foam 45PPI 406mm x 143mm
5756251 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Other Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- High Airflow
- Excellent Filtration
- Low Fire Retardancy
- RoHS Compliant
Product Overview
This air filter foam act as an arrester which extracts out large dust particles, particulate matter, and other solid airborne materials which would be harmful to the equipment. This 406 X 143 X 6.35 mm, black colored, 45 PPI polyurethane foam offers flexibility, high air flow, low pressure drop, good insulating property, good compressive-strength, high temperature resistance and have low fire retardancy. This air filter foam operates efficiently over a wide range of temperature, and can be manually cleaned and used again. This air filter foam is compatible for use with the fan assembly of MDAS H3 which is used in the GE's Computed Tomography Systems.