Quantix 160
D3811T | |
Tubes | |
Revolution Apex | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
Quantix TM 160
The GE HealthCare Quantix 160 X-ray tube is the most advanced and powerful X-ray tube GE HealthCare has ever made for a CT application. It provides the world’s first combination of 1,300 mA output and 160 mm z-coverage in a single axial exposure through three key technologies.
Digital Cathode
The Digital Cathode is the most powerful and intelligent cathode we’ve ever designed.
Its patented dual flat emitter has 400% larger emission area than conventional coiled filament, which can generate a bigger electron cloud to output a maximum 1,300 mA. The Digital Cathode also utilizes a digitally controlled magnetic field to focus and shape the electron beam in microseconds. As a result, the position, shape and size of the focal spot can be controlled with the highest precision. This enables view-by-view mA modulation and high definition scanning with focal spot deflection.
Wide-view Anode
The Wide-view anode has a 10-degree target angle to create a high-quality X-ray beam with 160 mm z-coverage in a single axial exposure. This enables uncompromised scanning capabilities such as
unlimited 1-beat Cardiac imaging and whole-organ dynamic perfusion.
Liquid Bearing
The Liquid Bearing utilizes liquid gallium to form a liquid-metal bearing to support the rotating anode. This allows the quiet and reliable performance of the Quantix 160 tube. The Liquid Bearing can support ultra-high g-loads in excess of 75G.